आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतः।

May noble thoughts come towards us from all directions unhindered!

My home page

Welcome, My name is Shlok Vaibhav Singh, I am a third-year undergraduate in Dept. of Electrical Engg. at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay .

  • Major CPI: 9.25/10.00 (Electrical)
  • Expected Completion - 2022
  • Minor: Computer Science

Some interesting readings:

Key Courses Taken

Analog CMOS VLSI Design Analog Devices Analog Devices lab
Digital Image Processing Digital Signal Processing Digital Systems
Computer Networks EE691 R&D Project (Under Prof. S. Tallur) Data structures and Algorithms
Communication Systems Microprocessors Data analysis and interpretation
Electromagnetic Waves Semiconductor devices Electronics lab
Electromagnetism Quantum Mechanics Classical Mechanics
MIT OCW - 8.05 2013 Quantum Mechanics-II MIT OCW - 8.03 2017 Vibration and Waves Basic Coursera Courses on ML,DL and CNN

A note on MIT OCW learning : To prove one has satisfactorily completed an OCW course which doesn't give certificate is diffiult, all the same, these courses are important for advanced learning. I have decided to post my attempts for the PSETS/assignments in the course and lecture notes which may give some support to the claim.

My Work

I am a third year undergraduate in Electrical Engineering. My interests are primarily in the amalgamation of physics and electrical engineering. In physics, my knowledge is only tangential but I am try to ramp it up. Coming to electrical engineering, I like to study about filters, signal processing, physics of semiconductor devices and analog design. I worked as part of AIMS lab working under Professor Siddharth Tallur working on modelling of III-V optoelectronics in first half of 2020.

Publications, articles, projects, things potentially useful

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